
Membership Benefits

Since its inception in 2019, International Federation of electric vehicle Association ( formerly known as federation of electric vehicle association)  is Apex body of  AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY  has led change across  Vehicle sectors, helping its Member companies evolve and adapt to a rapidly changing EV environment. It works closely with Government on policy issues and offers EV industry a wide range of specialised services and global linkages to enhance efficiency of EV ,build competitiveness and expand business opportunities. Today IFEVA is a proactive change partner and a nodal point of reference for EV industry nationally as well as globally.

EV Networking:-

  • Wtsapp Platform to interact with other EV Members.
  • Platform to Physical Interact with EV industry, State & Central Governments.
  • Fora to meet global business and political leaders on line and off line both the way.
  • Participate in topical EV seminars, training programmes, conferences and meetings.
  • Overseas technologies to assist in establishing linkages with latest technology.
  • Counterpart EV organizations in other countries for technology Enhancement.
  • Networking opportunities with Indian and global corporate majors.
  • Common Platform to enhance EV business and develop newer EV markets & opportunity.

Policy Work for EV:-

  • Special focus on EV industry on policy matters,
  • Participate in Expert Committees & Task Forces for Government Interactions.
  • Get expert advice on Government legislations, regulations, etc.
  • Representations to Central Governments, State Governments and other Institutions.
  • Government Notifications regular update to our members
  • Policy Tracker updates and circulate to all members

Business Services for EV:

  • We help our members for Business development- Establish Dealer /Distributor network.
  • Support members for Foreign collaborations,
  • Organized Trade Fairs & Exhibitions for our members on discount rate
  • EV foreign Industrial and business delegations meetings
  • We Develop members business through buyer – seller forums.
  • Import Export Training / Guidance
  • Foreign tour Guidance / Visa etc
  • Website, Social Media/ digital marketing service at extra cost
  • Business promotion Through Print / Electronic Media Sources.
  • Branding of your product at Next Level PAN India and World Also.
  • GST and Income Tax Support ( optional )

 Centre of Excellence (Training Centre):-

Centres of Excellence (EVs) – IFEVA will Provide EV Training   Short term Job oriented Training program.

 Banking & Finance Support:- IFEVA  will support members regarding Finance through Pvt & Govt. Indian Banks,

  • EV journal – EV e-Newsletter, EV magazine subscribe to newsletters on Green Business.


  • IFEVA (www.fevaev .com) – IFEVA Online Resource Centre:-

Helps Members multiply their business prospects; update themselves on latest  EV industry trends; seek guidance from EV experts on a variety of issues; enrich themselves with a trove of knowledge and interact with peers from industry at the click of a mouse.

Other Benefits:
 Legal Support by Expert legal Team
 Members’ Directory

Social Responsibility:

  • Employment Generation program.
  • Support Women Entrepreneurs
  • Support Start-up India programs
  • Support Skill India programs
  • IFEVA act As Certification body
  • Pre Compliance testing certificate.

Additional Benefits:-

  1. Discount @15 % for participating in the IFEVA programs, Events (Training, Conclave, webinars, Exhibitions etc.)Members can avail Networking Opportunities with Quality Professionals across all sectors in the IFEVA events, programs & conclaves
  2. Advertisements invited at discounted rates up to 15 % in IFEVA India Magazine
  3. IFEVA members can avail up to 15 % discount on the online & offline Training programs
  4. Members can quote their valid IFEVA membership number along with validity in their Publicity Material
  5. Note: Members will be given Membership certificate Entitled to receive IFEVA Magazine free subscriptions.
  6. Contribute articles in TIICCI TIMES Magazine with under 1000 words (Only selected articles will be published)
  7. Opportunity to speak at the IFEVA organized Conclave, Seminars and Workshops & share the best practices with other members
  8. Referral Benefits to the members offered for introducing new members in significant numbers
Code of Ethics:-
IFEVA membership is a testimony for a quality professional’s/organisation’s involvement in quality related activities in his/her/their work domain. Professional membership scheme does not imply membership to the IFEVA board. The certificate is only to ensure the appropriate use of IFEVA membership for individual/ organisational growth as well as Quality promotion activities. There shall be no misinterpretation of facts to demean tiicci, or inappropriate promotion for concerned interest.
IFEVA members are expected to promote the dignity of the profession and solemnly affirm to abide by the following Do and Don’t;
Do:-       Use only valid IFEVA membership status and number for promotional purpose.
  • Send only valid documents to support the membership application.
  • Strive to increase the competence and prestige quality of profession.
  • Maintain membership as a means for quality allegiance and professional growth and avoid the use of such membership for the sole purpose of solicitation of business or for personal financial gains.
  • Continue with professional development as well as facilitate the same for others.
  • Offer feedback with suggestions for improvement or involvement and contribute to the quarterly magazine.


  • Use IFEVA logo through any means.
  • Do not use any phrase other than that quoted in bold in the certificate issued while quoting the membership category in any document or media.
  • Send any Project report/ data to IFEVA unless asked for
  • Involve in fraudulent, illegal criminal activities or unethical conduct as it may call for debarring of membership/ cancellation of membership.
  • Criticize or use hate languages/ speech while interacting with other members.
  • Engage in unethical, unprofessional practices or political dialogues with other IFEVA registered members.
    I Accept.
    1. The information given above by me is true to the best of my knowledge.
    2. I agree to abide by the code of ethics as above.
    3. The information submitted in the form above is true to the best of my/our knowledge.
    4. I/we have read and understood the ‘Terms & Conditions’ of the FEVA Professional Membership Scheme.
    5. I/We agree to abide by the ‘code of ethics’ of the FEVA Professional Membership Scheme and understand that my/our membership shall be suspended/cancelled if there is a breach of ‘Code of Ethics’ at any given point of time.
    6. I/We agree to submit the ‘Undertaking’ in the prescribed format once the membership number is issued

Membership Fees Structure Based on Your Firm Last year Annual Turnover:       

Sr. No.

Annual Turnover of your firm   ( INR) Crore

Annual Membership Fees (INR)

Life Time Membership Fees  ( 10 years) INR,






















100 +









 A/C NO:-  50200037615592 , IFSC CODE: HDFC0004767   , 

 Bank & Branch :  HDFC bank Ltd  VIKAS MARG SHAKARPUR DELHI-110092

  • There is NO GST applicable
  • Above Fees comes under Donation and you will get Income Tax Benefit as per Section 80G,

Thanks !